
I began my work in Quantum Hologram Science in November 1986. After I sent my first book Human Quantum Hologram Science to the US Copyright Office, in December 2001, I began investing this technology of the future. In my “spare time” (after work) I filled over 22 Moleskine notebooks and 20 pocket sized Moleskine notebooks with insights and ideas.

In November of 2011 I was laid off for the last time. I had worked in the DOD software development arena for over 20 years. After trying to get another job in my career field, for over 4 years, I decided to stop putting myself through the age discrimination process of coorporate America and devote all of my time to my “life’s work”.

Quantum Field Interface Technology (QFiT) is the result of 17 years of Verification Testing and new product development. At one time I had over 25 volunteers working with me in exchange for learning my theory, retesting my experiments, building, delivering and supporting my Quantum Field Interface Technology devices and systems.

In January 2016 I decided to change the focus of my company and exclusively provide "Commercial Off the Shelf" products to the world. We went from R&D to manufacturing. We ramped up production and delivered over 266 products and 556 document sets to our customers.

In 2019 I decided to retire and no longer build, market or sell Quantum Field Interface Technology products. I changed the focus of this company back to R&D. And I am once again devoting my time and efforts to delve deeper into this technology. I have since also decided to take another look at my original work in Human Quantum Hologram Science. I have learned a great deal about the Human Mind-Body-Hologram triad since December 2001.

My team of volunteers have spread to the four corners of the globe. They are now doing their own work. I would like to thank them for their tireless efforts to help me in my quest to offer this new technology to the world. Thank you all!

James A. B. Mahaffey, Jr.

President and CEO

Quantum Interface Corporation

August 2020